Your Picture Ready Porch

   Do you want to decorate your house for Halloween? Do you actually like what most stores sell for Halloween, or do you just deal with it for the kids’ sake? The following blog has 5 tips and tricks that will help you ready your house for the Trick or Treaters, and to avoid any gaudy eyesores in the process.  


  1. Avoid Plastic: Avoid any sort of vinyl or plastic poster, plastic spiders, thin witch’s cauldrons, anything that looks cheap. Not only are these ugly, but they also aren’t super healthy to have around kids.
  2. Go for a Natural Vibe: Having some natural elements around will help balance out the nationwide sugar high that’s about to begin. Instead of using plastic or glittery pumpkins, stop by your local pumpkin patch or grocery store and pick out a few real ones. You might also add a variety gourds to the mix. You might also find some hay bales and put them on the porch. Mums are always an inexpensive and sweet addition.
  3. Think Fall, not Halloween: there’s no reason why your Halloween decorations can’t last for the whole season. The more spiderwebs you avoid, the more  likely the only thing you’ll have to do on Thanksgiving is make the feast.
  4. Go for Durable over Fancy:  That ceramic pumpkin might be the perfect touch for Cinderella, but if you’re getting ready for Halloween, that usually involves kids. Another plus side to keeping things durable is that you won’t have to change your decorations before December. When setting up your decor, make sure things are sturdy. You can keep things looking really cute (and safe) with some twine or even ribbons.
  5. Pick an Aesthetically Pleasing Color Scheme: Why does Halloween have to involve lime green, purple, black and orange? These colors aren’t very classy nor are they tasteful. This goes back to keeping things natural, so go for a maroon, orange, cream, and tan color scheme, or something along those lines. These colors still scream fall, but they also don’t make you dread Monster Mash or anything like that.



   You might also find that your newly decorated house makes for the perfect family photo backdrop. If you’re going with a decoration color pallet like the one described above, you might dress your family in similar colors, but implement navy or different shades of brown (such as leather riding boots) and more cream to add some contrast. Avoid greens, bright reds, pinks, or blacks for this photo shoot. The best time to start planning a photoshoot is two weeks before the date you’ve set with your photographer. Send Laundry Butler for You everything you’re planning on wearing and we’ll make sure you all look clean and are ready to go!

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